Chalmers, James and W. Wyatt Gill |
Chamberlain, Chris & David Mackenzie |
Chamberlain, Helen (ed) |
Chambers, Joe and Lyn |
Champ, Jack |
Chan, Gabrielle |
Chandler, David |
Channer, C.C. (revised by M.Walker) |
Chapey, Roberta |
Chapman, Andrew |
Chapman, Bruce; Penman, David and Hicks, Phillip |
Chapman, Eddie |
Chapman, Frederick |
Chappell, Ian |
Chapple, Athur H |
Chapple, Belinda |
Charalambous, John |
Charity, A.C. |
Charles Davis |
Charles E. Raven |
Charles Gore |
Chatham, Brian (comp) |
Chatham, Jane |
Chatwin, Bruce (Introduction by Nicholas Shakespeare) |