Crawford, R.M.M. |
Crawley, Michael J (ed) |
Creighton, Christopher |
Cresswell, Douglas |
Cresswell, Helen |
Crewe, W and Haddock, D. R. W. |
Critchfield, Richard |
Croce, Benedetto |
Crockett, W.S. |
Croft-Cooke, Rupert |
Crofts, Alfred |
Crombie, David |
Crompton, Richmal |
Cronin, Bernard |
Cronin, Leonard |
Crook, John and Andrew Harding |
Crosby, Alfred W. |
Crosby, Michael and Michael Easson (eds) |
Cross, Tom |
Crow, Thomas |
Cuffley, Peter |
Culverwell, E.P. |
Cummings, Eileen and Mai Katona (Project Team) |
Cummings, Helen |