McLaughlin, Eve |
McLaughlin, Judith |
McLean, Alfred P. |
McLeish, Kenneth |
McNAB, Robert, Minister of Lands and Agriculture (Editor) |
McNeil, Eugénie and Eugéne Crawford |
McNeill, Ian |
McNicol, Steve |
McPharlin, Paul |
McPhee, John |
McPherson, Loretta (written and Compiled by) |
Mcqualter, Jim and Elsie Brady |
McQuilton, John |
Meaden, J.W. |
Meadow, Katie |
Meagher, Douglas QC |
Medcalf, C.J.B. |
Medley, J.D.G. |
Mee, Arthur |
Meier, Mrs. Lina |
Meirowsky, Prof. Dr. med. E. |
Meissner, Hans-Otto. |
Meissner, Prof. Dr. Bruno |
Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works |