Roth, Joseph |
Roush, Richard T and Tabashnik, Bruce E. (eds) |
Rousseau, James |
Rousseau, Jean-Jaques |
Routledge, Noreen |
Rowdon, Harold (ed) |
Rowe, Claudia |
Rowell, galen |
Rowlandson, Tom (Introduiction by William G. Smith) |
Rowntree, Amy |
Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain) |
Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (eds) |
Royal Commission on Vegetable Products |
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital King George V Appeals Committee. |
Rt. Rev and Rt. Hon. J.W.C. Wand |
Rt.Rev and Rt. Hon. J.W.C. Wand (ed) |
Ruche, Irma |
Rudkin, Margaret |
Rudolph, Ivan |
Ruhen, Carl (historical research) |
Rühs, Friedrich: |
Rule, Andrew (ed) |
Rumley, Katrina (catalogue Co-Ordinator |
Rupert E. Davies |