Stewart, J. Burt (comp.and written) |
Stewart, James B. |
Stewart, Meg |
Stewart, S.F. |
Stillman, C.G. And Cleary, R. Castle |
Stilwell, Frank |
Stilwell, Joseph W. |
Stirzaker, Richard |
Stone, Herbert L. And Taylor, William H. |
Stone, Irving |
Stone, Melicent |
Stormer, Leif and Petrunkevitch, Alexander and Hedgpeth, Joel W. (Moore, Raymond C. ed) |
Story, Rob |
Stott, John R.W. |
Strachey, Lytton |
Strack, F.W. |
Strahan, Ronald (ed) |
Strategicus |
Strauss, David Friedrich |
Strauss, Richard and Hugo von Hofmannsthal |
Strehlow, T.G.H. |
Strindberg, Freda |
Stringer, John (foreword); Stuart Elliott & Diana Roberts (text) |
Stringer, Michael |