Title |
Letters From Jack London - Containing an Unpublished Correspondence Between Jack London and Sinclair Lewis Author: London, Jack and Sinclair Lewis. (King Hendricks and Irving Shepard eds) 1966 MacGibbon & Kee |
Muse of the Round Sky: Lyric Poetry of Ancient Greece Author: Lewis, Richard (selected by) 1969 Simon Ans Schuster |
Poems. Edited By Walter Hooper Author: C.S. Lewis 1966 Geoffrey Bles |
Surprised By Joy: The Shape of My Early Life Author: C.S. Lewis 1955 Geoffrey Bles |
The Abingdon Bible Commentary Author: Eiselen, Frederick Carl, Lewis, Edwin, Downey, David G. (eds) Abingdon Press |
The Nursery Alice Author: Carroll, Lewis 1979 Macmillan Publishers |