Title |
Endangered: Three Plays: They Saw a Thylacine; Extinction; The Honey Bees Author: Campbell, Justine and Sarah Hamilton; Hannie Rayson; Caleb Lewis. 2018 Currency Press |
Letters From Jack London - Containing an Unpublished Correspondence Between Jack London and Sinclair Lewis Author: London, Jack and Sinclair Lewis. (King Hendricks and Irving Shepard eds) 1966 MacGibbon & Kee |
Morals and Revelation Author: H.D. Lewis 1951 George Allen & Unwin |
Muse of the Round Sky: Lyric Poetry of Ancient Greece Author: Lewis, Richard (selected by) 1969 Simon Ans Schuster |
Our Experience of God (Muirhead Library of Philosophy) Author: H.D. Lewis 1959 George Allen & Unwin |
Philosophy of Religion Author: H.D. Lewis 1965 The English Universities Press (Teach Yourself Books) |
The Life and Works of Alfred Aloysius Horn, Volume III: The Waters of Africa Author: Horn, Alfred Aloysius (Ethelreda Lewis ed.) 1929 Jonathan Cape |