Specimens of the Architecture of Normandy, from the XIth to the XVIth century. Measured and Drawn by Augustus Pugin. Engraved by John and Henry Le Keux. With historical and descriptive notices by John Britton. New edition, Edited by Richard Phené Spiers.
The head of the spine strip is damaged, and the spine is cracked causing plates XXVII to XXIX to become detached and plate XXX to literally hang on by a thread; both hinges are cracked, the back one badly. Intermittent foxing throughout. The book can be used as is, but ideally should be rebound.'19th-century publisher's green blind-stamped diaper-grain cloth, title blocked in gilt on upper cover: 'PUGIN & LE KEUX'S ARCHITECTURE OF NORMANDY' and spine: 'PUGIN'S NORMANDY' 'The first edition of this work was published by John Britton in parts between 1825 and 1828 under the title Historical and descriptive essays accompanying a series of engraved specimens of the architectural antiquities of Normandy.' (Royal Academy)