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P.G. Wodehouse: a Literary Biography
Author: Green, Benny 1981 Pavilion Books/Michael Joseph
Pablo Picasso: The Artist Before Nature
Author: McCully, Marilyn; Tony Green and Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler 1989 Auckland City Art Gallery
Paddle Steamers to Cornucopia: The Renmark-Mildura Experiment of 1887
Author: Wells, Sydney 1986 The Murray Pioneer
Painting Course : An Introduction to Drawing Watercolour, Gouache and Tempera Pastel and Acrylic Oil Painting
Author: Pearsall, Ronald 1996 Chancellor Press
Painting the Warmth of the Sun: St Ives Artists 1939-1975
Author: Cross, Tom 1984 Allison Hodge / Lutterworth Press
Painting Watercolors from Photographs
Author: Shook, Georg and Witt, Gary 1983 Watson Guptil Publications
Pakefield - in Days Gone By. Foreword By Jack Rose
Author: Clements, Peter 1991 Rushmere Publishing
Pali-Buddhismus in Übersetzungen. Texte aus dem buddhistischen Pali-Kanon und dem Kammavaca. Aus dem Pali übersetzt nebst Erläuterungen und einer Tabelle
Author: Seidenstücker, Karl (Übers. 1923 Oskar Schloss Verlag
Pamphlets: Proclama al Popolo Irlandese & Confutazione Del Deismo: Dialogo a Coloro Che Sanno Capire.
Author: Shelley, [Percy Bysshe] Istituto Editoriale Italiano
Papa Martel: A Novel in Ten Parts
Author: Robichaud, Gérard 1962 Hodder and Stoughton
Papercuts and Plenty (Baltimore Beauties and Beyond: Studies in Classic Album Quilt Applique, Vol. 3)
Author: Sienkiewicz, Elly 1995 C & T Publishing
Papua New Guinea ....a Guide to Growth
Author: 1971 Australian Government Publishing Service
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