A title from te Queensland Department Of Primary Industries Information Series. Bruce Carey quoting from the bpook in an article on the history of agriculture in Queensland: " Harvests and Heartaches is a book about Queensland's fascinating and eventful agricultural past. Its images and stories recaptyre some of its ups and downs, problems and solutions, successes and fsilures. They also reveal something of the diveristy, enormity and excitement of queensland's agricultural endeavours" (Preface) "I used to put my dairy herd in that paddock, and if all of the cows stood in the bottom of a gully at the same time, you couldn't see a beast in the paddock! That's the way Sandy Huston recalled the erosion damage to his Darling Downs farm in the 1940s, when much of Queensland's dairying and cropping lands had been seriously transformed by soil erosion, as quoted in Harvests and heartaches in 1988." A clean,unmarked and solid copy.