Bethada Naem nErenn / Lives Of Irish Saints. Edited From The Original Mss. With Introduction, Translations, Notes, Glossary and Indexes by Charles Plummer. 2 Volumes . (Vol. I Introduction, Texts, Glossary. Vol. II Translations, Notes, Indexes.)
With the exception of the index, Volume I is written totally in Irish. First published by Oxford University Press in 1922. Customers please note this is a two volume set weighing over a kilo, thus attracting additional postage. "Plummer (1851-1927) was an editor of Bede, and also edited numerous Irish and Hiberno-Latin texts, including the two volume Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae (1910), a modern companion volume to which is Richard Sharpe's Medieval Irish saints' lives: an introduction to Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae
Published 1997 Oxford University Press Oxford