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Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Pii Divina Providentia Papae IX. Litterae apostolicae de dogmatica definitione Immaculatae Conceptionis Virginis Deiparae/Lettera Apostolica Di Nostro Signore Pio Per Divina Provvidenza Papa IX. Contenente La Definizione ....

Pius IX
....Dogmatica della Immacolata Concezione di Maria Madre di Dio.". The boards' edges are lightly chipped, else immaculate. This is possibly a later binding as the book contains both the Latin and Italian version of the Enciclical, one following the other. Please check with us for an accurate mailing cost. At under 60 pages, the booklet will go letter mail, even well swaddled.
Published 1855 Tipografia Deliberali Belluno


Condition Jacket Condition Binding Size
Near Fine N/A Three-Quarter Leathe 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall
Good Reading Book Reference: 14526
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