xxxix, 1245 pages. Overseas customers please note this is a heavy book and will attract extra postage charges. "This innovative, interdisciplinary book is intended for teaching purposes. Its diverse materials consist of extensive authors' text and questions; sharply edited primary materials ranging from governmental or NGO reports to decisions and treaties; and excerpts from secondary readings in pertinent fields such as law, international relations, moral and political theory, and anthropology. The book introduces students to aspects of public international law that are vital to understanding contemporary human rights issues. It stresses throughout the relationships among human rights norms, processes and institutions. The topics and themes include basic civil and political rights; economic and social rights; intergovernmental and non-governmental institutions; universal and regional regimes; human rights and foreign policy; women's rights; economic development; individual criminal responsibility; self determination; intervention; democratization; cultural relativism; and the private-public distinction. This book is intended for third-year undergraduate students of international human rights; graduate students, including those taking Bar Final examinations in human rights" (web publicity blurb )