Reprinted from the Journal of Agriculture of Western Australia. The seven issues are made up of: Vol.1 (4th series), No. 3, Bulletin No.2724; Vol.1 (4th series), No 7, Bulletin No. 2780.; Vol.1 (4th series), No.12, Bulletin No. 2827; Volume 2 (Third Series) Bulluetin No. 2038; Volume 2 (Fourth series) No. 9 Bulletin No. 2923 (this volume has minor insect damage to the front cover); Volume 3 (Third Series) No. 4, Bulletin 2169 (Published 1954); Volume 3 (Fourth series) No. 7, Bulletin No. 3021, (Published 1962) Each issue is illustrated nd has roughly 8 pages. Scans can be provided of contents. Also included is an 8 page bulletin put out by the Forestry Commission of N.S.W. : "Forestry Past, Present and Future: Forest Fire Prevention in N.S.W." (1963) Please check with us for an accurate postage cost, the bulletins weigh under 500 grams