Human Anatomy for Artists
Szunyoghy, András (Illustrations) and Dr. Gyorgy Feher (Text)
495 pages. Overseas customers please note the book is very heavy and will attract additional postage. The front cover is dust stained, else the book is as new. Translated from the German "Menschliche Anatomie für Künstler." "Boasting more than 1200 highly detailed drawings by Hungarian professor of arts Andras Szunyoghy, Human Anatomy for Artists offers insights into our physique and how the human body moves. The illustrations are accompanied by specialist commentaries by7 Professor Gyorgy Feher" "Boasting more than 1200 highly detailed drawings by Hungarian professor of arts Andras Szunyoghy, Human Anatomy for Artists offers insights into our physique andhow the human body moves." (Publisher)
Published 2011 H.F. Ullmann Potsdam, Germany