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Apologetics and Evangelism
Author: J.V.Langmead Casserley 1962 A.R. Mowbray
Apologies & Appendages: a Final Tally of High Country Characters
Author: Stapleton, Ian 2014 Ian Stapleton
Applied Logistic Regression
Author: Hosmer, David W. And Stanley Lemeshow 1989 John Wiley and Sons
Applied Optics and Optical Design
Author: Conrady, A.E. 1967 Dover Publications
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R
Author: Bivand, Roger S.; Edzer J. Pebesma and Virgilio Gomez-Rubio 2008 Springer
Author: Coplestone, F.C. 1955 Penguin Books (Pelican)
Arabian Nights
Author: Alderson, Brian 1992 Victor Gollancz
Arbeitsinformationen über Studienprojekte auf dem Gebiet der Geschichte des deutschen Judentums und des Antisemitismus (Germania Judaica Ausgabe 13 ).
Author: Richarz, Monica; Christa Aretz (Bearbeitung) 1986 Kölner Bibliothek zur Geschichte des Deutschen Judentums E. V.
Archbishop Lefebvre and the Vatican 1987-1988
Author: Father François Laisney (comp and ed.) 1989 The Angelus Press
Archbishop Mannix
Author: Ebsworth, Rev.Walter A 1977 H.H.Stephenson
Architectural Glass Art: Form and Technique in Contemporary Glass
Author: Moor, Andrew 1977 Mitchell Beazley
Architecture in the Age of Reason: Baroque and Post Baroque in England Italy France
Author: Kaufmann, Emil 1968 Dover Publications
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