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Author: Edwards, Ron 1991 The Rams Skull Press
Cattle : An Informal Social History
Author: Carlson, Laurie Winn 2001 Ivan R. Dee
Cattle, Their Breeds, Management, and Diseases. New Edition
Author: Youatt, William 1870 Simpkin, Marshall and Co.
Cavendish Presbyterian Charge, Historical Sketch 1857-1927. The Story of Seventy Years
Author: Hamilton, J.P. (Head Editorial Committee) 1927 [Cavendish Presbyterian charge]
Author: Trevelyan, The Right. Hon. Sir George 1910 Macmillan & Co.
Cecil McKay : It Wasn't All Sunshine
Author: McKay, Marjorie 1974 The Hawthorn Press
Cecil Rhodes : A Study of a Career
Author: Hensman, Howard 1901 William Blackwood and Sons
Cecil Rhodes: A Biography and Appreciation by Imperialist with Personal Reminiscences by Dr. Jameson
Author: Maguire, James Rochfort 1897 Macmillan Company, Limited
Cemeteries : Our Heritage
Author: Sagazio, Celestina (ed) 1995 National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
Censorship and Obscenity
Author: Dhavan, Rajeev and Davies, Christie (eds) 1978 Martin Robertson
Centenary Essays on Dante by Members of the Oxford Dante Society
Author: Oxford Dante Society 1965 Oxford University Press
Centenary of St. Joseph's Church Building 1908-2008. 'Looking forward - looking back '
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