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Mémoires d'une Soeur de Charité Publiés Par Madame Gagne (Elise Moreau). Deuxième Édition
Author: Madame Gagne (Elise Moreau) 1875 Librairie Académique Dider et Cie, Libraires-Éditeurs
Memoirs of a British Agent: Being an Account of the Author's Early Life in Many Lands and of His Official Mission to Moscow in 1918
Author: Lockhart, Sir Robert Bruce 1950 Penguin Books
Memoirs of a London Doll
Author: Horne, Richard Henry (Margery Fisher, Introduction and Notes) 1967 Macmillan Comopany
Memoirs, A Shortened Version Edited and Translated By Lucy Norton. 3 Volume Set. Vol. I: 1691-1709 + Vol. II: 1710-1715 + Vol. III: 1715-1723.
Author: Saint-Simon, Duc De 2000 Prion Books Limited
Memorandum on the Report of the archbishops' Commission on Christian Doctrine
Author: A.G. Herbert 1939 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for the Church Union
Memoriae Romanae. Sanctorum et Beatorum S.J.
Author: 1933 Cesare Pezzini
Men and Mines: A History of Australian Mining 1788-1971
Author: Reynolds, John 1974 Sun Books
Men Like Gods
Author: Wells, H.G. 1923 Cassell & Company
Men of Might, The Children's Friend, Easy Steps in the Bible Story, Stories of the Kings (Bible Pictures and Stories)
Author: Evans, Mrs Adelaide Bee Signs Publishing Company
Men of the Jungle
Author: Idriess, Ion L. 1949 Angus and Robertson
Men to Match My Mountains: The Opening of the Far West, 1840-1900
Author: Stone, Irving 1967 Cassell and Company
Men Were My Milestones: Australian Portraits and Sketches
Author: Chisholm, A.R. 1958 Melbourne University Press
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