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The Doctrine of the Unity of the Church in the Works of Khomyakov and Moehler
Author: Bolshakoff, Serge 1946 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
The Dog Fence : A Journey Across the Heart of Australia
Author: Woodford, James 2013 Text Publishing
The Dominion of christ Being the Second Part of a Treatise on the Form of the Servant
Author: L.S. Thornton 1952 Dacre Press: A and C. Black Ltd.
The Drawings of Russell Drysdale
Author: Klepac, Lou 1980 Art Gallery of Western Australia in conjunction with the Australian Gallery Directors Council
The Duke of Palermo and Other Plays with An Open Letter to Mike Nichols
Author: Wilson, Edmund 1969 Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The East Suffolk Railway (Locomotion Papers)
Author: Cooper, John M 1982 The Oakwood Press
The Ecological Detective : Confronting Models with Data
Author: Hilborn, Ray and Marc Mangel 1997 Princeton University Press
The Ecology of Wisdom: Writings by Arne Naess
Author: Naess, Arne ( Alan Drengson and Bill Devall Eds.) 2008 Counterpoint
The Economic Horror
Author: Forrester, Viviane 1999 Polity Press in Association with Blackwell Publishers
The Ecumenical Review: a Quarterly Published By the World Council of Churches
Author: World Council of Churches
The Emergence of the Australian Party System
Author: Loveday, P.; A.W. Martin and R.S. Parker (eds) 1977 Hale & Ironmonger
The Emergent Gospel: Theology from the Underside of History. Papers from the Ecumenical Dialogue of Third World Theologians, Dar Es Salaam, August 5-12, 1976
Author: Sergio Torres and Virginia Fabella (eds) 1978 Orbis Books
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