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The Life of Samuel Johnson. Exhibiting A View of Literature & Literary Men In Great Britain For Nearly Half A Century During Which He Flourished. (2 volume set)
Author: Boswell, James (Rodney Shewan ed.) 1993 The Folio Society
The Life of Sir Edwin Lutyens
Author: Hussey, Christopher 1953 Country Life and Charles Scribner's Sons
The Life of the Right Reverend Ronald Knox: Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford and Protonotary Apostlotic to His Holiness Pope Pius XII Compiled from the Original Sources
Author: Evelyn Waugh 1959 Chapman & Hall
The Life of Wellington. New Edition. Revised, Condensed and Completed. With Twelve illustrations in permanent photography, Numerous engravings on wood, and a plan of the battle of Waterloo.
Author: Maxwell, W.H. 1886 Bickers & Son
The Light Lover
Author: Butler, Joan 1950 Stanley Paul & Co.
The Light of the West: With Some Other Wayside Thoughts, 1865-1908
Author: Butler, Sir William 1910 M.H. Gill and Son
The Lion King - Broadway Selection
Author: Rice, Tim and John, Elton (composers) Hal Leonard Corporation
The Literacy Wars: Why Teaching Children To Read & Write Is A Battleground In Australia
Author: Snyder, Ilana 2008 Allen & Unwin
The Literary Background of the Gothic Revival in Germany. A Chapter in the History of Taste.
Author: Robson-Scott, W.D. 1965 Oxford University Press
The Little Green Handbook: a Guide To Critical Global Trends
Author: Nielsen, Ron 2005 Scribe Publications
The Little Red School Book. Translated from the Danish By Berit Thornberry
Author: Hansen, Soren and Jensen, Jaspefr 1972 Alister Taylor In Association with Brolga Books
The Littlest One Again
Author: Webb, Marion St. John 1928 George Harrap and Company
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