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With the Royal Tour: a Narrative of the Recent Tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York through Greater Britain including His Royal Highness's Speech delivered at the Guildhall on December 5, 1901
Author: Knight, E.F. 1902 Longmans, Green and Co.
Within the Pale, The True Story of Anti-Semitic Persecutions in Russia
Author: Davitt, Michael 1903 Hurst and Blackett
Wolf the Storm Leader
Author: Caldwell, Frank 1910 Dodd, Mead and Company
Woman in the Mirror: An Australian Autobiography
Author: Bell, Isabel Grace 1999 Spectrum Publications
Woman on a Horse
Author: Beker, Ana 1956 William Kimber
Women & imprisonment
Author: Women and Imprisonment Group 1995 Fitzroy Legal Service
Women and Bushrangers
Author: Balcarek, Dagmar (Michaela Easton ed.) 1987 Yesteryears Publishers
Women and Children First : an Outline of a Population Policy for Australia. with Forewords by Sir David Rivett and G. L. Wood.
Author: Wallace, Victor H. 1946 Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press
Women and Marriage in Victorian Fiction
Author: Calder, Jenni 1976 Thames and Hudson
Women in Architecture: a Contemporary Perspective
Author: Lorenz, Clare 1990 Trefoil Publications Ltd.
Women of Eureka
Author: Johnson, Laurel (Mark Holgate ed) 1997 Historic Montrose Cottage and Eureka Museum
Women of Strength, Women of Gentleness: Brigidine Sisters, Victorian Province
Author: Sturrock, Morna 1995 David Lovell Publishing
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