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Stranger on the Square. Edited and with an Introduction and Epilogue By Harold Harris
Author: Koestler, Arthur and Cynthia 1984 Hutchinson & Co.
Strawberry Pests
Author: Broadley, Roger H.; Waite, Geoff K.; Gage, Jim; Greber, Ray S. 1988 Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Government
Street Seen : A History of Oxford Street
Author: Faro, Clive & Garry Wotyherspoon 2000 Melbourne University Press
Strike Hard, Strike Sure: Epics of the Bombers
Author: Barker, Ralph 1963 Chatto and Windus
Strikig a Balance! Australia's Development and Conservation
Author: Australian Bureau of Statistics 1992 Core Material for Earth Studies/ Commonwealth of Australia
Strong to Serve: An Australian Spitfire Pilot's War over Europe
Author: Mack, Joseph 2022 Big Sky Publishing
Struben, Roy
Author: Coral and Colour of Gold 1961 Faber and Faber
Struggling to Survive: Women Workers in Asia
Author: Christian Conference of Asia. Urban Rural Mission. 1983 CCA - URM
Studia Hibernica No.7
Author: 1967 Coláiste Phádraig
Studies in Indonesian History
Author: McKay, Elaine (general editor) 1976 Pitman Publishing
Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture in Honour of Professor K.A.C. Creswell.
Author: 1965 The American University in Cairo Press for The Center for Arabic Studies
Studies in Kabuki: Its Acting, Music and Historical Context
Author: Brandon, James R; William P Malm and Donald H. Shively 1978 University Press of Hawaii
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