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Sydney Parkinson: Artist of Cook's Endeavour Journey
Author: Carr, D.J. (ed) 1983 Australian National University Press
Symbolic Logic and Language: A Programmed Text
Author: James Dickoff and Patricia James 1965 McGraw-Hill Book Company
Symbolik der menschlichen Gestalt. Ein Handbuch zur Menschenkenntnis. Neu bearb. und Erweitert von Theodor Lessing. Mit 161 Holzschnitte.Dritte vielfach vermehrte Auflage.
Author: Carus, Carl Gustav 1925 Niels Kampmann Verlag
Symmetry: A Design System for Quiltmakers
Author: McDowell, Ruth B. 1994 C & T Publishing
Symphosius The Aenigmata: An Introduction, Text and Commentary
Author: Leary, T.J. 2014 Bloomsbury Academic
Symposium on J. L. Austin
Author: Fann, K.T. 1969 Humanities Press
Synthesizer and Electronic Keyboard Handbook
Author: Crombie, David 1985 Pan Books
Synthetic Men of Mars
Author: Burroughs, Edgar Rice 1951 Methuen and Co.
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Author: William Nicholls 1969 Penguin Books (Pelican)
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