The Perfect Hunter and Saddle Horse : Breaking, Making & Riding. [based] on the System Used By Joe Hillier with a Preface By Major J.A, Herbert Author: McBryde, J 1936 Country Life/Charles Scribners' Sons |
The Perfume River: Writing from Vietnam Author: Cole, Catherine 2010 University of Western Australia Publishing (UWAP) |
The Person of Christ in New Testament Teaching Author: Vincent Taylor 1958 MacMillan and Co. |
The Phaidon Companion to Art and Artists in the British Isles Author: Jacobs, Michael and Malcolm Warner 1980 Phaidon Press |
The Phar Lap Collection Author: Kirkwood, R. (Design and Production) Equus Marketing |
The Philosopher's Tool Kit Author: Aspenson, Steven Scott 1998 M.E. Sharp |
The Philosophies of Science: An Introductory Survey Author: R.Harré 1974 Oxford University Press |
The Philosophy of Action (Oxford Readings in Philosophy) Author: Alan R. White (ed) 1970 Oxford University Press |
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again) Author: Warhol, Andy 1977 Harvest/HBJ |
The Philosophy of Religion (Oxford Readings in Philosophy) Author: Basil Mitchell 1971 Oxford University Press |
The Philosophy of Religion from the Standpoint of Protestant Theology. Translated by A.J.D. Farrer and Bertram Lee Woolf Author: Brunner, Emil 1958 James Clarke & Co |
The Philosophy Quartely. Vol 9, No. 34, 35, 36. January, April, July 1959. Three Volume Set Author: A.D Woozley (ed) The University of St. Andrews for the Scots Philosophical Club |