The Puppet Book Author: Wall, L.V. (selected and edited) 1950 Faber and Faber |
The Puppet Theatre Handbook Author: Batcheleder, Marjorie 1947 Harper & Brothers Publishers |
The Puppet Theatre Handbook Author: Batchelder, Marjorie 1947 Herbert Jenkins |
The Puppet Theatre in America : A History 1524 - 1948 Author: McPharlin, Paul 1969 Play's, Inc |
The Puppets and I: The Autobiographical Account of the Experience and Travels of a Puppet Master Author: Bussell, Jan 1950 Faber and Faber |
The Pusher: An 87th Precinct Murder Mystery Revealing the Inside Story of the Dope Traffic Author: McBain, Ed 1956 Permabooks |
The Pytchley Hunt; Past and Present. Its History from its Foundation to the Present Day; With personal anecdotes, and biographies of the masters and principal members; Including the woodlands; and unpublished letters of Sir F. B. Head. Second Edition Author: Nethercote, H.O (Edmonds, Charles Ed.) 1888 Sampson Low, Marston and Company |
The Queensland Guide for the Use of Farmers, Fruit Growers, Vignerons and Others Author: 1888 James Bell Government Printer |
The Question of God: Protestant Theology in the Twentieth Century. Translated from the German By R.A. Wilson Author: Heinz Zahrnt 1969 William Collins Sons & Co. |
The Quilt Room Author: Lintott, Pam and Miller, Rosemary 1995 That Patchwork Place |
The RAAF Ground Staff. Of The Desert Air Force Squadrons. Author: Johnson, E.S. 1992 E S Johnson |
The Reality of God and Other Essays Author: Schubert M. Ogden 1967 SCM Press |