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From Capri Into Oblivion
Author: Gallegos, Adrian 1959 Hodder & Stoughton
From Forest, Swamp and Stones : A History of the Shire of Minhamite.
Author: Yule, P.L. 1988 Warrnambool Institute Press
From Futurism to Rationalism: The Origins of Modern Italian Architecture (Architectural Design 51 Profile)
Author: Papadakis, Dr. A. C. (ed) 1981 Dr. A.C.Papadakis
From Go to Whoa: a Compendium of the Australian Turf
Author: Pierce, Peter with Rhett Kirkwood 1994 Crossbow Publishing
From Here To Eternity: Contemporary Tapestries from the Victorian Tapestry Workshop
Author: 2006 Victorian Tapestry Workshop
From Music Boxes to Street Organs
Author: De Waard, Mr. R (Translated from the Dutch by Wade Jenkins.) 1967 The Vestal Press
From My Experience : The Pleasures and Miseries of Life on a Farm
Author: Bromfield, Louis 1956 Cassell Australia
From Petition to Partition the Shire of Violet Town 1895-1994 in Profile
Author: Michael, Ron Concerned Ratepayers and the Shire of Strathbogie
From Sails to Atoms: First Fifty Years of the Sutherland Shire 1906 to 1956.
Author: Kirby, David (Compiler) 1970 Publicity Aid for the Sutherland Shire Council
From the Hawkesbury to the Monaro. The Story of the Badgery Family
Author: Hardy, Bobbie 1989 Kangaroo Press
From the Past to the Present : a Pictorial History of Shepparton's Buildings & Businesses Volume Two
Author: Turner, Ingrid 2000 The Author
From Trench And Troopship: The Experience Of The Australian Imperial Force 1914 - 1919
Author: Kent, David 1999 Hale & Ironmonger
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