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Flames Across the Mountains : Personal Accounts of the Bogong, Razorback and Pinnebar Fires, East Gippsland, January 2003
Author: Appleby, Leanne with assistance from Sandra Livingstone and Brian Blakeman. (comp) 2005 Leanne Appleby
Flanders in Australia - A Personal History of Wool and War
Author: Dwyer, Jacqueline 1998 Kangaroo Press
Flash the Sheep Dog
Author: Fidler, Kathleen 1965 Lutterworth Press
Flavii Iosephi Opera Omnia Volumen Tertium ab Immanuele Bekkero / Flavii Iosephi Opera Omnia Volumen Quartum ab Immanuele Bekkero
Author: Flavius Josephus / Immanuel Bekker (ed) 1856 sumptibus et typis B. G. Teubneri (Teubner)
Fleeting Light
Author: Rays, Lenore 2000 The Sparrow Press
Flight and Pursuit: A Venture Into Autobiographt
Author: Stuart Holroyd 1959 Victor Gollancz
Flight from Torregreca: Strangers and Pilgrims
Author: Cornelisen, Ann 1980 Macmillan London
Flinders 200
Author: 2002 Geelong Historical Society
Flinders Lane : Recollections of Alfred Felton
Author: Grimwade, Russell 1947 Melbourne University Press
Flood Horror and Tragedy
Author: Committee of Parents and Friends of Agnew School (comp) 2011 Agnew P & F. Association Inc
Floodplain Woodland Plants of North East Victoria : Identification of Natives and Weeds and Practical Weed Management for Bush Regeneration Projects.
Author: Curtis, Helen and Peter Curtis 2008 Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group
Flora and Fauna Survey of Jingo Creek Catchment, Nullica State Forest, Eden Region
Author: Fanning, F. Dominic and Stephen S. Clark 1991 Forestry Commission of New South Wales, Wood Technology and Forest Research Division
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